martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

North Europe - New Industrial Era

A country where i would like to visit is all country of North Europe. Like Denmark, Sweden, Norway etc. because I saw and heard amazing urban ecofriendly system and big innovation architecture design in many internet architecture page and programs of television. Those countries are very innovate to invent, search and advanced new technology to no generate damage to nature.

I just want a see those innovations how applicate on urban design and architecture design, that´s why, in 21th century, the ecofriendly system will dominate all area, from industry area until consumer’s room. So will go North Europe to learn those strategy to how applicate them and how realize idea to create to real thing.

 Another thing important, we are in a transition of new era of revolution industrial. Which means, the revolution of electronics, IT and automated production´s era is already gone, we are in era of cyber physical systems world. Explain easier, the internet, people can manage a lots of things with wifi net and can control all those things with simple touch of cellphone or computer. for example, one people can control all kind of things of department or industrial factory with just one cellphone because there are already automatic machines and now we got innovation technology to control them without limit if we are with internet.

I would like to applicate it in architecture design, I don´t know how jajaja but I will investigate more about this 4th revolution industrial and ecofriendly system. And I think to know those new systems, is important to visit North Europe and Germany, (Germany is a leader of 4th revolution industrial).

if i can go there someday, i will go alone. that is more confortable to investigate :p

1 comentario:

  1. i think that the isolated iceland would be the best of those to be the first destiny
